Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011
Seasonal Greetings (black metal winter fun)
Black Metal,
Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011
Metallectual readings, pt.2
"Der Freiheitsgedanke, der im Rock'n'Roll verkörpert wird, ist ja auch an kein Alter gebunden" - Götz Kühnemund im Gespräch mit Frank Schäfer
Wer Lust auf lesenswerte Interviews mit der "Metal-Peripherie" hat, dem sei (auch wenn es nun auch via Amazon nicht mehr unter den Baum lieferbar ist) als Feiertagslektüre Frank Schäfers neues Interview-Buch Talking Metal empfohlen. Frank versammelt hier Gespräche mit beispielsweise dem Produzenten Sascha Paeth, dem Cover-Illustrator Christophe Szpajdel, dem Wacken-Veranstalter Thomas Jensen oder dem Radiomacher Jakob Kranz zu einer recht lesenswerten Collage von Impressionen, die nicht den Metal-Musiker oder die Musik selbst sondern das in-between zwischen Musik, Fan, Leidenschaft und Beruf "Metal" ergründen will. Nicht gänzlich uninteressant sind dabei übrigens auch die Interviews mit Dietmar 'Der Musikwissenschaftler' Elflein und Christian 'Der Ostbeauftragte' Heinisch...
Wer Lust auf lesenswerte Interviews mit der "Metal-Peripherie" hat, dem sei (auch wenn es nun auch via Amazon nicht mehr unter den Baum lieferbar ist) als Feiertagslektüre Frank Schäfers neues Interview-Buch Talking Metal empfohlen. Frank versammelt hier Gespräche mit beispielsweise dem Produzenten Sascha Paeth, dem Cover-Illustrator Christophe Szpajdel, dem Wacken-Veranstalter Thomas Jensen oder dem Radiomacher Jakob Kranz zu einer recht lesenswerten Collage von Impressionen, die nicht den Metal-Musiker oder die Musik selbst sondern das in-between zwischen Musik, Fan, Leidenschaft und Beruf "Metal" ergründen will. Nicht gänzlich uninteressant sind dabei übrigens auch die Interviews mit Dietmar 'Der Musikwissenschaftler' Elflein und Christian 'Der Ostbeauftragte' Heinisch...
Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011
Rezension "Metal matters"
Thor Wanzek war so freundlich unser kleines Metall-Buch zu rezensieren - und das wohlmeinend und lobend. Und noch dazu im "Journal der Jugendkulturen" (S. 146-149). Das ganze Heft (in dem zudem noch ein schöner Text zur "Konstruktion 'weißer' Männlichkeit im Industrial und Black/Pagan Metal" ist) kann bis Silvester kostenlos (!) hier runtergeladen werden.
Black Metal,
Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011
Luftrock (weltmeisterlich) pt.2

Premiere von „Four vs.Hellfire: Out of the Dungeon“ ist am 19.1.2012 um 21:00 in der großen
Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011
Metallectual readings...

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011
Fan-Mags: der user generated content der Prä-Internet-Ära

Nochmal reingucken wollen? Oder gar: Noch drei Umzugskartons voller Fanzines im Keller, die keine Unibibliothek als Stiftung annehmen will? Dann gäbe es hier ein prachtvolles Angebot:
»SEND BACK MY STAMPS! is a site dedicated to reproducing interviews and ephemera from Fanzines produced in the early days of the (death/thrash/black etc.) metal underground. This era was notable for its pre-internet production of DIY media, that followed the punk tradition born out of the 80s, and gave life and communication to a disparate, global fan base within the then nascent thrash/death/black/grind underground. I will post as many interesting pieces as I can whenever I can, mostly stemming from the stacks of zines I collected from the mid/late 1980′s until the late 1990′s period, before the internet (mostly) killed the DIY print media underground. A lot of these Zines will fade into history and be forgotten, so here is a place to hopefully immortalize the endless hours of work that went into getting the death/black/metal underground started in the glory days of yesteryear.«
Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011
CfP Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures
Beiträge zu Metal-Fans sind wohl gerne gewünscht...
In recent years, the internet in general and social media in particular have fundamentally changed our media culture. The relationship between producers and consumers has shifted, creating new power relationships. Media culture has become more and more about participation, while technological developments such as ‘Facebook liking’ have further blurred the traditional distinction between fans and audiences. Fans represent the vanguard of these new developments. Insights from early fan studies on active audiences have spread to other notions of the audience. These developments call for a critical rethinking of the role and significance of fans in contemporary culture.
Herewith we invite proposals for a new handbook of Fan Cultures, part of the Ashgate Research Companion Series. We welcome contributions from established scholars in the media and communication, sociology and psychology, or any related field. Topics of interest for this research companion include, but are not limited to:
- histories of fan cultures / fan studies
- fan geographies
- disciplinary challenges
- studying fans: methodological issues
- power and identity among fans
- haters, non-fans and anti-fans
- individual fans vs fan communities
- the producer-consumer continuum
- online fan spaces
- uses and meanings of fan technologies
Ashgate Companions offer a comprehensive and authoritative state-of-the-art review of current research in a particular area. The Companion's editor brings together a team of respected and experienced experts to write new chapters on the key issues in their specialty.
Submission details:
Submissions should describe original contributions and should not have been published or submitted elsewhere. Please send an abstract of your submission (max. 300 words), accompanied by a brief bio (max 50 words), to Koos Zwaan ( The editors will select a number of abstracts for the volume, which will be included in the proposal for review by the publisher. Subject to review and the issue of a contract, the authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to submit full chapters for publication in the volume.
Deadline abstract submission: December 1, 2011
Notification: December 14, 2011
Dr. Linda Duits
Affiliated researcher
Research Institute for History and Culture
Utrecht University
Dr. Stijn Reijnders
Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Koos Zwaan
Associate Professor of Media, Culture and Citizenship Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Diemen, The Netherlands
In recent years, the internet in general and social media in particular have fundamentally changed our media culture. The relationship between producers and consumers has shifted, creating new power relationships. Media culture has become more and more about participation, while technological developments such as ‘Facebook liking’ have further blurred the traditional distinction between fans and audiences. Fans represent the vanguard of these new developments. Insights from early fan studies on active audiences have spread to other notions of the audience. These developments call for a critical rethinking of the role and significance of fans in contemporary culture.
Herewith we invite proposals for a new handbook of Fan Cultures, part of the Ashgate Research Companion Series. We welcome contributions from established scholars in the media and communication, sociology and psychology, or any related field. Topics of interest for this research companion include, but are not limited to:
- histories of fan cultures / fan studies
- fan geographies
- disciplinary challenges
- studying fans: methodological issues
- power and identity among fans
- haters, non-fans and anti-fans
- individual fans vs fan communities
- the producer-consumer continuum
- online fan spaces
- uses and meanings of fan technologies
Ashgate Companions offer a comprehensive and authoritative state-of-the-art review of current research in a particular area. The Companion's editor brings together a team of respected and experienced experts to write new chapters on the key issues in their specialty.
Submission details:
Submissions should describe original contributions and should not have been published or submitted elsewhere. Please send an abstract of your submission (max. 300 words), accompanied by a brief bio (max 50 words), to Koos Zwaan ( The editors will select a number of abstracts for the volume, which will be included in the proposal for review by the publisher. Subject to review and the issue of a contract, the authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to submit full chapters for publication in the volume.
Deadline abstract submission: December 1, 2011
Notification: December 14, 2011
Dr. Linda Duits
Affiliated researcher
Research Institute for History and Culture
Utrecht University
Dr. Stijn Reijnders
Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dr. Koos Zwaan
Associate Professor of Media, Culture and Citizenship Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Diemen, The Netherlands
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